
Our process

Step One: Establish a clear brand narrative

A clear, compelling message is key to growing your reputation and attracting the right audiences. Your leadership needs a confident narrative to catch the attention of reporters, your social media will thrive on purpose-driven content, and your team needs a mission they can rally behind.

Before launching any public relations or marketing campaigns, Siren’s process starts with establishing your brand or campaign narrative. This ensures your narrative resonates and sets the foundation for long-term success.

Step two: Create a plan to strengthen your brand

Are you tired of spending time and energy on social media posts or press releases, only to see little return? Siren’s process will help you break free from that cycle by crafting a targeted, effective communication strategy that gets results. With our approach, you’ll connect with your audiences faster and more effectively. 

The PESO Model

Siren uses the proven PESO model, focusing on paid, earned, shared, and owned media, to give your brand a cohesive voice. Our tailored plans are designed to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring all your communication and marketing channels are aligned and working towards the same vision.

Step three: Launch campaigns and grow momentum

When you’ve got something exciting to announce, Siren is here to help make sure the right people hear it. Whether you’re expanding your business, driving economic growth, or uplifting your community through nonprofit work, we’ll treat your mission as our own and deliver real results. 

Measuring success

At Siren, we believe that efforts should be driven by data. Our impact reports break down progress against key performance indicators, showing a clear return on investment that will make sense to your board, partners, and stakeholders. 

But Siren also knows that success goes beyond numbers. Effective communication strengthens communities, builds trust, and earns loyalty from the people who matter the most to you and your organization. 

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